For drones, the choice of IMU is related to drone performance. Indicators such as accuracy, stability, and compatibility are all very critical. As the “nerve center” of drones, how does IMU enable flight?
Take a nine-axis IMU ER-MIMU-07 as an example, which has a built-in three-axis gyroscope, three-axis accelerometer, and three-axis magnetometer. The measurement data is transmitted to the flight control system to obtain information such as the attitude, speed, and displacement of the drone.
**The secret of wind-resistant flight and high-definition aerial photography**
The built-in gyroscope has a measurement range of 400ยบ/s, bias instability <0.1 ยบ/h, and angle random walk <0.05°/√h. The accelerometer measurement range is 30g, bias stability is <50ug, and bias repeatability is 100ug.
The data provided by the IMU can monitor the pitch, roll, and yaw attitude of the drone in real time. When the drone encounters strong winds or sharp turns, the real-time data of the IMU will trigger the flight control to quickly adjust the motor speed. Ensure stable flight and silky smooth shooting without shaking.
**Small and lightweight: flexible installation**
This IMU is only 38.6x 44.8 x25.5mm in size and weighs ≤70g, so it can be easily installed in various fuselage spaces.
**Better performance, lower price**
It has better performance than STIM300, but at a lower price, helping drones reduce costs.
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