Sunday, October 8, 2023

What is the use of imu?

IMUs are often included in inertial navigation systems that use raw IMU measurements to calculate orientation, angular velocities, linear velocity, and position relative to a global reference frame. IMU-equipped INS form the basis for navigation and control of many commercial and military vehicles such as manned aircraft, missiles, ships, submarines and satellites. IMUs are also important command and control components for unmanned systems such as UAVs, UGVs and UUVs. Simpler versions of INS, called attitude and heading systems, use the IMU to calculate the vehicle's heading position relative to magnetic north. Data collected from the IMU sensors allows the computer to track the ship's position using a method known as dead reckoning.

In land vehicles, the IMU can be integrated into GPS-based automotive navigation systems or vehicle tracking systems, giving the system dead-reckoning capabilities and the ability to collect as much accurate data as possible about the vehicle's current speed, turn rate, heading, and lean. and acceleration in combination with the vehicle's wheel speed sensor output and, if available, the reverse signal, for purposes such as better traffic accident analysis.

In addition to navigation purposes, IMUs serve as orientation sensors in many consumer products. Almost all smartphones and tablets contain IMUs as orientation sensors. Fitness trackers and other wearable devices may also include IMUs to measure movements such as running. IMUs also have the ability to detect people's developmental levels during movement, determining the specificity and sensitivity of specific running-related parameters. Some gaming systems, such as remote controls for the Nintendo Wii, use the IMU to measure motion. Low-cost IMUs have fueled the rapid growth of the consumer drone industry. They are also often used in sports technology (technical training)[4] and animation applications. It is a competing technology for use in motion capture technology.[5] The IMU is at the heart of the balancing technology used in the Segway personal transporter.

What is the application of gyro theodolite?

 A gyro theodolite is a specialized surveying instrument that combines the functions of a theodolite and a gyroscope. It is primarily used in geodetic and engineering surveying for applications that require high precision and accuracy. Here are some of the main applications of gyro theodolites:

Geodetic Surveys: Gyro theodolites are used in geodetic surveys to accurately measure angles and azimuths. They can be used to establish control points and reference lines for large-scale mapping projects, such as creating topographic maps or monitoring the movement of tectonic plates.

Tunnel Alignment: When constructing tunnels for roads, railways, or underground utilities, it's crucial to maintain precise alignment. Gyro theodolites are used to establish and monitor tunnel alignments, ensuring that the tunnel follows the planned trajectory.

Pipeline Surveys: In the oil and gas industry, gyro theodolites are employed to survey and monitor the alignment of pipelines. This ensures that the pipelines are installed with the correct azimuth and elevation angles, reducing the risk of leaks or damage.

Construction Layout: Gyro theodolites are used in construction projects to accurately set out reference points and lines. They help ensure that buildings and structures are constructed in the correct positions and orientations as specified in the design plans.

Astronomical Observations: High Precision Gyro theodolites can be used in astronomical observations to track the movement of celestial objects. They are particularly useful for tracking stars, planets, and other celestial bodies, allowing for precise measurements and observations in astronomy.

Land Deformation Monitoring: In geotechnical engineering and environmental monitoring, gyro theodolites are used to detect and measure land deformations. By periodically measuring angles and azimuths to specific points, changes in the landscape can be identified, such as subsidence or uplift.

Navigation and Orientation: Gyro theodolites have been used in navigation systems, such as gyrocompasses, to determine true north and maintain orientation in various applications, including ships and aircraft.

Mining Surveys: In the mining industry, gyro theodolites are used for surveying underground tunnels, monitoring the stability of mine workings, and ensuring precise drilling and blasting operations.

Military and Defense: Ericco Gyro theodolites have applications in military and defense for artillery positioning, target tracking, and maintaining the orientation of military equipment and vehicles.

Overall, gyro theodolites are critical tools in fields that require high-precision measurements of angles, azimuths, and orientations. Their ability to maintain stability and accuracy, even in challenging conditions, makes them invaluable for a wide range of surveying and measurement tasks.

Do you know what the advantages of fluxgate sensors are?

 Advantages of fluxgate sensors:

1. High precision: The fluxgate sensor has high sensitivity and precision, and can measure subtle magnetic field changes.

2. Fast response: The fluxgate sensor can quickly detect changes in the magnetic field and output the measurement results in real time. This makes them very useful in applications that require real-time monitoring and control.

3. Wide measurement range: The fluxgate sensor has a large measurement range and can measure magnetic fields of different strengths, from weak magnetic fields to strong magnetic fields.

4. Low power consumption: Fluxgate sensors generally have low power consumption characteristics and can provide reliable measurement results in applications with long running times.

If you have any thoughts about Sensor, please leave your comment and share it with your friends. If you are interested in Sensor products, you can leave me a message or send an email to

contact us:

WeChat: 13992884879

WhatsApp: 13630231561

Friday, October 6, 2023

What logging tools do you know in the field of well logging?

 In the process of underground mining, some measuring tools are needed to complete underground mining operations, so the requirements for measuring tools will be relatively high. Our company can provide you with low-cost and high-precision logging tools. Looking forward to your consultation This is our company’s website, you can click to view it, if you are interested, please contact us. You can leave your email or leave your WhatsApp account. We will have professionals contact you.

Here is our contact information.
WeChat: 13992884879
WhatsApp: 13630231561
Looking forward to your consultation.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Do you know about low-cost products that can replace gyroscopes?

 In the mining logging industry, they have relatively high requirements for various measuring instruments and high accuracy requirements for well logging. So how can we achieve low-cost and more accurate well logging? I have a product here that can solve this problem. If you have any questions, relevant people can come and find out more about it and leave your valuable opinions. If you have better products, we can also communicate with each other. This is a link to our products, you can click to view it to learn the product knowledge you need.

Dynamic Direction Sensor

ER-DOS-03 (0~180°±0.1°) Features:
1. High temperature resistant;
2. Resistance to vibration and shock;
3. Dynamic measurement under rotation;
4. Low power consumption.

Monday, September 25, 2023

In the field of petroleum logging, which component can provide more accurate, safe and high-quality measurements?

 ER-OS-05 Economical Directional Sensor includes a 3-axis flux-gate sensor and a 3-axis MEMS acceleration sensor. The sensor is equipped with built-in temperature compensation, and the inclination accuracy is ±0.1° and azimuth accuracy is ±0.5° within the temperature range of 0~125°c.

In addition, the sensor can also measure the total acceleration, total magnetic field strength, magnetic tool surface angle, geomagnetic inclination angle, temperature, rotation speed and other parameters. ER-OS-05 has the characteristics of small size, high precision, anti-vibration and anti-impact. ER-OS-05 can correct the angle deviation caused by mechanical installation through the supporting upper computer software.

If you have any thoughts about Sensor, please leave your comment and share it with your friends. If you are interested in Sensor products, you can leave me a message or send an email to

contact us:

WeChat: 13992884879

WhatsApp: 13630231561

Thursday, September 21, 2023

ER-OS-05 Economical Directional Sensor

 ER-OS-05 Economical Directional Sensor includes a 3-axis flux-gate sensor and a 3-axis MEMS acceleration sensor. The sensor is equipped with built-in temperature compensation, and the inclination accuracy is ±0.1° and azimuth accuracy is ±0.5° within the temperature range of 0~125°c.

In addition, the sensor can also measure the total acceleration, total magnetic field strength, magnetic tool surface angle, geomagnetic inclination angle, temperature, rotation speed and other parameters. ER-OS-05 has the characteristics of small size, high precision, anti-vibration and anti-impact. ER-OS-05 can correct the angle deviation caused by mechanical installation through the supporting upper computer software.

If you have any thoughts about Sensor, please leave your comment and share it with your friends. If you are interested in Sensor products, you can leave me a message or send an email to

contact us:

WeChat: 13992884879

WhatsApp: 13630231561

Choose a suitable IMU to make your drone flight more stable and safe

         As one of the core components of drones, IMU plays an irreplaceable role. Its high precision, fast response and freedom from extern...