Wednesday, October 25, 2023

What does Tilt Sensor do?

 Tilt sensor can be used in various scenarios where angle measurement is required. The tilt sensor, also known as level sensor, level meter and inclination meter, is a kind of angle sensor and an acceleration sensor based on the principle of inertia. It can judge the tilt state of the equipment by detecting the tilt angle in the use environment, and when the angle deviation of the monitoring object occurs, the angle of the equipment can be detected. Tilt sensors can communicate abnormal data to managers to avoid serious incidents.

The main application areas of tilt sensors are as follows:

1. Protection and monitoring of ancient buildings

Ancient architecture can inherit civilization and is a carrier of civilization. As time goes by, their lifespan will gradually shorten. In order to better maintain ancient buildings, extend their existence life, and monitor their safety performance, high-precision tilt sensors can be applied, which can sense the swing, vibration, tilt and other small angle changes of ancient buildings.

2. Dam monitoring

Dam collapse is prone to cause serious accidents. Tilt sensors can provide a variety of data basis for people to timely obtain the changes in dam and bedrock behavior and the role of the environment on the dam, and timely send early warning signals for people's travel safety, so that people can better predict the service life of the dam, improve and maintain it in time, and ensure the safe operation of the dam during use.

3. Bridge tower inclination measurement: After day after day of use, coupled with the impact of the surrounding environment, the bridge will gradually tilt, when tilted to a certain angle, it will collapse and break. Tilt sensors can monitor subtle changes in bridges in real time, generate trends, and help people analyze the safety of roads.

4. Drilling tilt control: In drilling construction, in order to ensure fast and efficient construction quality, higher requirements are put forward for controlling the verticality of the drill pipe, especially in the case of large drilling machinery, the deeper the depth means the higher the vertical requirements of the drill pipe, if there is a slight deviation on the way to drilling, there will be quality problems. The high precision inclination sensor can help people accurately measure and convert the angle deviation of drill pipe inclination to avoid the occurrence of drilling deviation.

For example, we can use the ER-TS-3160vo to monitor ancient building, dam, bridge bridge tower of angle, it can also help people accurately measure and convert the angle deviation of the drill pipe tilt to avoid the occurrence of the drilling rig deviation. It has the characteristics of small size, strong impact and vibration resistance, especially suitable for harsh industrial environments.

If you want to learn more about tilt sensors or buy

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What is the biggest difference between Gyro Northfinder and gyro compass?

 North finder is a high-precision dual-shaft dynamic tuning gyro that can determine the true north direction value of the attached carrier by measuring the angular velocity of the earth's rotation. It is not affected by external magnetic fields or other environments. In addition, it can also be combined with acceleration for horizontal angle measurement and correction. The gyro north finder is mainly used for: radar, antennas, military vehicles, initial alignment and direction control.

The compass is a simple instrument used to determine the orientation. The main component is a magnetic needle that can be freely rotated on the shaft. The magnetic needle can be maintained in the tangential direction of the magnetic meridian under the action of the earth magnetic field. The north pole of the magnetic needle points to the geographic North, and this property can be used to identify the direction. It is commonly used in navigation, geodesy, travel and military affairs.

Since the structures and principles of the two types of gyro north-finding systems are different, they each have their own strengths. Therefore, based on the respective characteristics of these two types of devices, solutions can be complemented during research or use.

For example , MEMS north seeker(north finder) ER-MNS-06 (0.25°-1°) is our Smallest Size Triaxial MEMS North Seeker(north finder),and can be used in different areas where need small size north seeker(north finder).

If you are interested in the north seeker(north finder) products, you can send message to me or send email.

Contact us:

WeChat: 13992884879

WhatsApp: 13630231561

How to correct when there is an error in the inertial device?

 An inertial measurement unit (IMU) is an electronic device that uses accelerometers and gyroscopes to measure acceleration and rotation and can be used to provide position data.

So today we will learn how to correct the error of the inertial device?
The following are some calibration methods for reference only.
Calibration method
(1) Calibration of internal parameter error of inertial device
(2) Discrete liquid level calibration
(3) Semi-system level calibration
(4) System level calibration
Comparison of different types of calibration methods
(1) The discrete-level calibration accuracy is higher, but it depends on the turntable.
(2) The calibration accuracy at the semi-system level is the worst, but it does not rely on a turntable, has low cost and high efficiency, and meets the calibration requirements of MEMS.
(3) System-level calibration has the highest accuracy, but it is only suitable for high-precision inertial navigation calibration.
Then the ER-MIMU-01 developed by Ericco uses high-quality and reliable MEMS accelerometers and gyroscopes. It communicates with the outside through RS422. The baud rate can be flexibly set between 9600~921600. The communication baud rate required by the user can be set through the communication protocol. . Equipped with X, Y, Z three-axis precision gyroscope, X, Y, Z three-axis accelerometer, with high resolution, it can output the original hexadecimal complement of X, Y, Z three-axis gyroscope and accelerometer through RS422 code data (including gyroscope hexadecimal complement) numerical temperature, angle, accelerometer hexadecimal temperature, acceleration hexadecimal complement); it can also output gyroscope and accelerometer data that have been processed by underlying calculations Floating point dimensionless value.
If you want to know more about IMU or are interested in the product, you can click the link below, send an email for consultation or leave your Whatsapp account, and we will contact you.
Whatsapp: 13630231561

Monday, October 23, 2023

Classification of North Finder


North finder is a compass, is used to find the north direction at a position value. Gyro north finder, also known as gyrocompass, is an inertial measurement system based on the principle of gyroscope to determine the earth’s rotation rate in the horizontal projection direction of the earth. Its north seeking process does not require external reference. In addition to the high latitude limit, it is not affected by weather, day and night, geomagnetic field and site pass conditions. Gyroscope is a kind of precision inertial measurement instrument, which is used to provide directional reference for artillery, surface-to-surface missile and ground radar and other mobile weapon systems.According to the type of gyro used, gyro finder can be divided into the following three types:

1.A north seeker with two degrees of freedom gyroscope as a earth rotation sensor (such as hanging pendulum gyro    north seeker)

2.A north seeker with a uniaxial rate gyroscope as a sensor (such as a strapdown gyro north finder)

3.Platform north seeking system

Fiber optic gyroscope is a kind of high precision inertial instrument, which can be used to indicate the orientation of the carrier and the true north direction.Use of fiber optic gyroscope measured rate of the earth from the Angle of value and the measured gyroscope and accelerometer horizontal plane Angle, through the computer solution can be obtained in the baseline and the true north direction Angle, placed on the baseline of the accelerometer find north finder attitude Angle can be detected.

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What’s a Tilt Sensor?


Tilt Sensor also known as inclinometer, inclinometer, tilt sensor level and inclination meter, is often used in the measurement of horizontal angle change of the system. The level from the simple bubble level in the past to the present electronic level is the result of the development of automation and electronic measurement technology. As a detection tool, the inclination sensor has become an indispensable important measurement tool in the fields of bridge erection, railway laying, civil engineering, oil drilling, aviation and navigation, industrial automation, intelligent platform, mechanical processing and so on. The electronic level meter is a very accurate measuring tool for small angles. It can be used to measure the inclination of the measured plane relative to the horizontal position, the parallelism and perpendicularity of the two parts.

Inclination sensors can be used to measure the change in inclination relative to a horizontal plane. The theory is based on Newton’s second law, which states that, according to the basic laws of physics, inside a system, velocity cannot be measured, but acceleration can be measured. If the initial velocity is known, the linear velocity can be calculated by integration, and the linear displacement can then be calculated. So it’s really an acceleration sensor that uses the principle of inertia. When the tilt sensor is at rest, that is, there is no acceleration on the side or in the vertical direction, only the acceleration of gravity is acting on it. The angle between the vertical axis of gravity and the sensitive axis of the acceleration sensor is the inclination angle. A general sense of angle sensor is static or quasi-static measurement, once has the external acceleration, then the acceleration measured acceleration which outside acceleration, chip, so the angle of the calculation is not accurate, so, now commonly used way is to increase the mems gyroscope chip, and USES the priority of kalman filtering algorithm. Acceleration 3 axes, gyroscope 3 axes, all products here are also called 6 axis or VG (vertical gyro).

With the development of MEMS technology, inertial sensor components have become one of the most successful and widely used MEMS components in the past few years, and micro accelerometer is an outstanding representative of inertial sensor components. As the most mature inertial sensor applications, MEMS accelerometers now have a very high degree of integration, that is, the sensing system and interface lines are integrated on a chip. The tilt sensor integrates the MCU, MEMS accelerometer, analog-to-digital conversion circuit, and communication unit all on a very small circuit board. Can directly output angle and other oblique data, so that people more convenient to use it. Its characteristic is: silicon micromechanical sensor measurement (MEMS) with horizontal plane as the reference plane of 2 axis tilt change. The output angle is based on the level and the datum can be recalibrated. Data output, interface forms including RS232, RS485 and customizable and other ways.Strong ability to resist external electromagnetic interference.

Difference between single axis and 2 axis tilt sensor

The number of mounted axes of inclination sensors can be classified into single axis and 2 axis types. We often say that the inclination sensor generally refers to a single axis of the inclination sensor, and the single axis refers to the central axis around the instrument when measuring the angle, or a certain direction. The 2 axis inclination sensor is a measurement tool designed for the size of the angle between two directions on the basis of the single axis in combination with the specific practical requirements. Angle sensor can be installed in horizontal and vertical, according to the different installation way, single axis  and 2 axis angle sensor measurement of angle is different also, 2 axis flip and pitching angle can be measured, and the single axis can only be measured when choosing horizontal angle and pitching angle, if single shaft when choosing vertical installation can only measure turn angle, pitching angle not optional. Dual-axis inclinometer has the measurement advantages of single axis inclinometer, and has the measurement effect that single axis inclinometer can’t achieve at the same time, and has a wider measurement range.

By directly measuring the acceleration of the measured object, the 2 axis inclination sensor can obtain the linear velocity of the object through integral operation, and then the displacement of the object can be obtained further. Fundamentally, the inclination sensor is still an inertial sensor, which follows the inertial law of object motion and integral calculation method. 2 axis sensors are designed based on this basic principle, in addition to other measuring principles and measuring methods. The 2 axis inclination sensor shares two sensitive axes, which are X axis and Y axis. When the sensitive axis is perpendicular to the direction of gravity, the output change value caused by each tilt of one degree is larger. When the sensitive axis is at an angle of 45 degrees to the direction of gravity, the change value caused by each time is small. When the two are nearly parallel, each offset hardly causes any change in the output. According to this principle, the 2 axis inclination sensor can measure more types of objects and measure more types of angles, greatly improving the measurement efficiency. The 2 axis inclination sensor can basically fulfill the measurement requirements of the single axis inclination sensor.

In addition, the 2 axis inclination sensor can measure the angle of an irregular-shaped object, which can be determined by the angle difference between the two directions. In addition, multiple measurements of the same object from different directions and angles and then the mean value can be measured to get a more accurate angle, which greatly improves the measurement accuracy. The second point is that the 2 axis tilt sensor can measure both the roll angle and the pitch angle of the object. When the X axis and Y axis are perpendicular to the direction of gravity, the two angles obtained at this time are respectively the roll angle and pitch angle of the measured object. Simultaneity of 2 axis inclination sensor can reduce the error caused by separate measurement, which is the key function of 2 axis inclination sensor. However, the accuracy of the 2 axis inclinometer is not as good as that of the single axis inclinometer, which needs to be improved.

Difference between tilt sensor and gyroscope

Gyroscope is an angular motion detection equipment that uses the moment of momentum of a high-speed rotating body to sensitive the shell relative to the inertial space around one or two axes orthogonal to the rotation axis. Gyroscope varieties are many, according to the use of points, it can be divided into sensing gyroscope and indicating gyroscope. Sensor gyroscope is used as a sensor of horizontal, straight, pitch, course and angular velocity in the automatic control system of flying body motion. Indicator gyroscope is mainly used for indication of flight condition, as the appearance of control and navigation. Gyroscopes are piezoelectric gyroscopes, micro-mechanical gyroscopes, fiber optic gyroscopes and laser gyroscopes, which are all electronic, and they can work with accelerometers, reluctance chips, GPS, to make inertial navigation control system.

Do you know how wide the application fields of MEMS IMU are?

The full name of IMU is inertial measurement unit, so how much do you know about IMU? First of all, we know that imu is composed of three single-axis accelerometers and three single-axis gyroscopes. The accelerometer detects the acceleration signal of the object in three independent axes of the carrier coordinate system. The gyroscope detects the angular velocity signal of the carrier relative to the navigation coordinate system. For After processing these signals, the attitude of the object can be obtained. calculated.

         Secondly, I would like to share with you some areas where MEMS IMU can be applied. Its application areas are quite extensive. I hope it can help you. The following are the areas where imu can be applied:

North seeking in logging tools/gyro tools

Pointing, steering and guiding in advanced mining/drilling equipment

Initial alignment in weapon/UAV launch systems

Direction pointing and tracking in satellite antenna, target tracking system

Guidance and navigation in navigation grade MEMS weapon system

Orientating and positioning in railway train system

Precision platform attitude measuring and controls

Precision attitude, position measuring in navigation grade MEMS IMU/INS

North finding and positioning in land surveying/land mobile mapping system

Petroleum exploration

Bridge, tall building, tower, dam monitoring

Rock and soil monitoring


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Wechat: 13992884879

Do You Know Excellent Performance of MEMS North Finder ER-MNS-05?

 The data is acquired from the gyroscope and accelerometer in the MEMS north finder ER-MNS-05, which is used to calculate the system parameters.

Ericco always believes that products win with performance. In order to ensure the excellent performance of products, our technical team will conduct many repeated tests during the research and development process.

If you are interested in the north seeker product, you can send message to me or send quote to contact info,
Contact us:
WeChat: 13992884879
WhatsApp: 13630231561

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Choose a suitable IMU to make your drone flight more stable and safe

         As one of the core components of drones, IMU plays an irreplaceable role. Its high precision, fast response and freedom from extern...