Monday, October 30, 2023

How is IMU used in drones?

First of all, we know that the IMU combines a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope, which can provide the UAV with the data needed to maintain stable flight, and can be integrated with other systems such as GPS for dead reckoning navigation. Because these functions are so critical, a drone can often use multiple IMUs for greater accuracy and redundancy.

The main reasons include: The IMU can be used as a backup in the event that the drone's other vital navigation systems, such as GPS, are blocked, interrupted or completely disabled. In addition, IMU is also indispensable for applications that cannot use GPS and other similar services at all.

Ericco continues to innovate and research, and has developed a product ER-MIMU-01 that can be used in drones to perform the initial alignment of the drone launch system. ER-MIMU-01ER-MIMU-01 uses high-quality and reliable MEMS accelerometer and gyroscope, RS422 communicates with the outside, the baud rate can be flexibly set between 9600~921600, and the communication baud rate required by the user is set through the communication protocol. Equipped with X, Y, Z three-axis precision gyroscope, X, Y, Z three-axis accelerometer, with high resolution, it can output the original hexadecimal complement of X, Y, Z three-axis gyroscope and accelerometer through RS422 code data (including gyroscope hexadecimal complement) numerical temperature, angle, accelerometer hexadecimal temperature, acceleration hexadecimal complement); it can also output gyroscope and accelerometer data that have been processed by underlying calculations Floating point dimensionless value.

On the other hand, since UAVs adopt vision-based positioning and collision avoidance principles, OIS/EIS can be used as another input that can be used for flight stability.

Drones are also popular for carrying on-board cameras for aerial still pictures and videos. With the help of IMU and OIS/EIS software, any drone can be turned into a high-resolution camera. If you want to know more about imu, please click the link below.



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How does the Inclinometer Sensor Work?

The inclinometer sensor is actually an application of the MEMS accelerometer, which is the principle that the accelerometer can be used to measure the angular velocity of an object in a static state.

The inclinometer sensor’s theory is based on Newton’s second law: according to the basic principles of physics, inside a system, velocity cannot be measured, but acceleration can be measured. If the initial speed is known, the line speed can be calculated by integrating, and then the linear displacement can be calculated, so it is actually an acceleration sensor using the principle of inertia. When the inclinometer sensor is at rest, that is, there is no acceleration in the side and vertical directions, then the only force acting on it is the acceleration of gravity. The angle between the vertical axis of gravity and the sensitive axis of the acceleration sensor is the angle of inclination. The inclinometer sensor in the general sense is static measurement or quasi-static measurement, once there is external acceleration, then the acceleration measured by the acceleration chip contains the external acceleration, so the calculated angle is not accurate, therefore, the common practice is to increase the mems gyro chip, and adopt the preferred Kalman filter algorithm. The ER-TS-3260VOs built-in (MEMS) solid pendulum can measure changes in the static gravity field, convert them into changes in inclination, and output them through voltage (0~10V, 0~5V optional), so that the calculated angle is quite accurate.

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How to Distinguish North Finder and Theodolite?

 In the inertial navigation industry, these two instruments It is often used. Let’s talk about the difference between the North Finder and theodolite today.

The north finder is also called the gyro north finder, which is a high-precision dual-axis dynamic tuned gyro. The purpose is to find the true north direction value of the object. Ericco’s ER-MNS-05 (0.25°/1°), it can also be combined. Acceleration is used to measure and correct the horizontal angle, which is mainly used in the fields of borehole directional instrument, drilling equipment control and measurement, marine survey, three-dimensional scanner, radar, antenna, military vehicle and so on. The principle is to determine the true north direction value of the attached carrier autonomously by measuring the angular velocity of the earth’s rotation, without being disturbed and affected by external magnetic fields or other environments. In addition, it can also be combined with acceleration for horizontal angle measurement and correction.

1. Analytical fast north finding principle

The analytical fast north finding is mainly composed of inertial sensor components, horizontal turntable, base (including shock absorber), control circuit and computer. The inertial sensor component is mainly composed of a flexible gyroscope and an accelerometer meter, which is used to sense the angular velocity of the earth’s rotation and the acceleration of gravity.

2. Decomposition of the angular velocity of the earth’s rotation

The earth’s rotation angular velocity (15.0411 degrees/h, 7.29213101e-5rad/s) vector is parallel to the earth’s axis, and the north direction is positive. At any point P on the earth’s surface, the rotation angular velocity at that point can be decomposed into a vertical component and a horizontal component, which is the latitude value of point P. The true north position refers to the direction of the horizontal component of the earth’s rotation angular velocity.

3. The principle of gyro north finding in the horizontal state of the platform

The selected flexible gyro for north-seeking azimuth vertical reference is a dual-axis rate gyro, which has two orthogonal input X, Y and two corresponding output shafts, and the rotor axis is the Z axis. Ericco’s MEMS gyroscope ER-MG2-100 is used for north finding, and the built-in IMU is used for inclination measurement and azimuth calculation.  In order to eliminate the influence of the vertical component, it is always desired that the XY axis of the gyro is in the horizontal plane (or as close as possible to the horizontal state). At this time, the horizontal component of the ground speed sensitive to the two axes is related to the north-seeking angle.

Theodolite is a measuring instrument designed to measure horizontal and vertical angles based on the principle of angle measurement. Its function is to accurately measure the horizontal and vertical angles of the measuring object. It is mostly used in many fields such as construction, road and bridge construction. 

If you are interested in this north finder, you can leave me a message or send a quote and I will send you the price and technical description.

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Sunday, October 29, 2023

What Does IMU Mean for A Drone?

The full name of “unmanned aircraft” is unmanned aircraft, which is operated by radio remote control equipment and self-provided program control devices, or by the on-board computer fully or intermittently autonomous operation. In order to make the UAV fly perfectly, IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit), gyroscope stabilization and flight controller technology are essential.
The flight control of UAV is composed of main control MCU and inertial measurement module IMU. IMU provides the original sensor data of the aircraft’s attitude in space, and the data of the aircraft is generally provided by the gyroscope sensor/acceleration sensor/electronic compass. Gyroscopic stabilization technology is one of the most important components, allowing the drone to fly super-smoothly even in strong winds and gusts. This smooth flight allows us to take fantastic aerial views of the beautiful planet. With excellent flight stability and waypoint navigation, the UAV can generate high-quality 3D photogrammetry and liDAR images. The latest drones use an integrated head, which also includes built-in gyroscopic stabilization technology, so that the on-board camera or sensor has little to no vibration. This allows us to capture perfect aerial film and photographs. In order to meet the requirements of UAV equipment, the gyroscope installed in MIMU-02 not only adopts an advanced differential sensor design, which can eliminate the influence of linear acceleration and work in extremely harsh environments in the presence of shock and vibration, It also has a measurement range of 400 degrees/second and a deviation instability of 0.01°/hour. Able to measure angular velocity up to ±400°/s and has a digital output protocol compliant with Mode 3 SPI. Angular rate data is represented as 24-bit words.
The application of IMU in UAVs is not limited to attitude control and flight stability. It can also be used with other sensors such as GPS (Global Positioning System) and magnetometers to provide more accurate navigation and positioning information. At the same time, IMU can also be used for UAV attitude estimation, motion detection, obstacle avoidance and other functions, improve the autonomy and safety of the UAV, provide key data for the control and navigation of the UAV, so that the UAV can efficiently perform various tasks. The application of IMU will vary depending on the design and use of different types of UAVs, but whether it is fixed wing, multi-rotor or vertical take-off and landing and conversion UAVs, IMU is the core to achieve its flight control and navigation.
If you want to know more about IMU, please click the link below
Whatsapp: 13630231561

What is a Tilt Sensor Used for?

 Tilt sensors are used in a variety of applications to measure angles. For example, high-precision laser instrument level, engineering machinery equipment leveling, long-distance ranging instruments, high-altitude platform safety protection, orientation satellite communication antenna elevation measurement, ship navigation attitude measurement, shield pipe application, dam detection, geological equipment tilt monitoring, artillery barrel initial launch angle measurement, radar vehicle platform detection, satellite communication vehicle attitude detection and so on.

Application example

Used in tower cranes

The inclination sensor is the main part of the anti-overturning monitoring instrument of tower crane. The function of the inclination sensor is to measure the angle of the tower tilt in real time. Since the tilt angle at the top of the tower is very small, the sampling frequency of the tilt sensor should be within the range of 0.5-10Hz, the measurement accuracy is higher than 0.05 degrees, and the noise caused by the vibration of the tower should be filtered out to ensure reliable communication and accurate judgment. The accuracy of the ER-TS-3160VO Voltage Single Axis Tilt Meter is 0.01 degrees, which is obviously higher than 0.05 degrees, and it is suitable for the tilt monitoring in this case.

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Thursday, October 26, 2023

How to choose the right IMU?

Choosing the right product is not an easy task and we need to consider many aspects. Some of the aspects we have to consider when choosing an IMU are performance, underlying technology, SWaP (size, weight and power) and cost.

Additionally, another important factor for drones is the robustness of the IMU. In harsh drone applications, vibrations can reach very high levels and varying temperatures. Therefore, a drone’s IMU needs to be highly rugged to withstand harsh environments.

Advantages of having the right inertial measurement device

Rigorous applications such as drones require extremely stable and high-performance IMUs. An IMU with good performance, vibration robustness, and temperature stability will improve UAV flight operations. Accurate steering is easier to achieve even in high-vibration situations. In order to meet the requirements of UAV equipment, the ER-MG2-300/400 gyroscope placed in ER-MIM-02 not only adopts an advanced differential sensor design, it can eliminate the influence of linear acceleration and survive the impact in extremely harsh environments. It operates under vibration conditions and has a measurement range of 400 degrees/second and a deviation instability of 0.01°/hour. Able to measure angular velocity up to ±400°/s and has a digital output protocol compliant with Mode 3 SPI. Angular rate data is represented as 24-bit words. If you are interested in our products, please click the link below to learn more.


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What are the Three Types of Tilt Sensor?


There are many types of tilt sensors, but they can be classified into three broad categories.

1. Tilt sensors can be divided into two types: wireless and wired inclination sensors according to the way of data transmission.

1.1 Wireless inclinometers: Common wireless inclination sensors include NB-IoT wireless inclinometer sensors and LORO wireless inclinometer sensorss. These sensors transmit tilt signals via wireless communication technology without cable connections, making them highly flexible. The main advantages of wireless tilt sensors are their flexibility and convenience. Since no wiring is required, the sensor can be easily installed anywhere it is needed, without considering the laying of cables. In addition, wireless sensors also have the advantages of high mobility, easy expansion and maintenance. What is wireless transmission, for example, ER-TS-12200-Modbus is a wireless inclinometer sensors, it does not need to use traditional cables to transmit inclination signals, but uses lithium battery power supply, through Bluetooth and ZigBee wireless transmission of inclination data. This wireless digital signal transmission method eliminates the tedious wiring and noise interference caused by long cable transmission. However, wireless sensors also have some disadvantages, such as signal quality may be affected by radio interference, and signal stability and reliability may not be as good as wired sensors. Wireless inclinometer sensors can be widely used in bridge buildings, transmission tower/signal tower tilt, dangerous buildings, ancient buildings, warehouse shelves, smart town, smart lighthouse, fan tower tilt monitoring and other scenes.

1.2 Wired inclinometer sensors: It usually uses RS485 bus or other similar bus protocols to transmit inclination signals. RS485 is a serial communication protocol widely used in the field of industrial automation, which has the advantages of noise suppression and high signal quality. The main advantage of the wired inclinometer sensors is that the signal stability is high, and the signal quality is not easy to be disturbed because of the wired transmission mode. In addition, wired sensors have a long service life, lower maintenance costs, and a lower failure rate. However, this sensor also has some disadvantages, such as the need to lay cables, high requirements for the field environment, may exist in some application scenarios wiring difficulties. The wired inclinometer sensors can be widely used in buildings, Bridges, DAMS, shield pipe jacking, rail transit, high-rise buildings, slope monitoring and other scenarios.

2. According to different working principles, tilt sensors can be divided into static and dynamic inclinometer sensorss.

2.1 Static inclinometer sensors: It is mainly used to measure the static tilt Angle of objects, such as the tilt monitoring of Bridges, dangerous buildings, power towers and other structures. ER-TS-3160VO is a static inclination sensor, which can measure the tilt Angle of the object in the static state, and can be used to check the tilt Angle of Bridges, DAMS, and monitor the Angle of various construction machinery. It has the characteristics of small size, strong impact and vibration resistance.

2.2 Dynamic inclination sensor: It is suitable for measuring the tilt Angle of an object in a dynamic environment, such as dynamic balance control in the aerospace and automotive industries.

3.According to the different measurement range, the inclination sensor can be divided into single-axis, dual-axis and three-axis inclination sensors. A single-axis inclination sensor can only measure the tilt Angle of an object on one plane, a two-axis tilt sensor can simultaneously measure the tilt Angle of an object on two planes, and a three-axis tilt sensor can simultaneously measure the tilt Angle of three dimensions.

If you want to learn more about tilt sensors or buy

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Choose a suitable IMU to make your drone flight more stable and safe

         As one of the core components of drones, IMU plays an irreplaceable role. Its high precision, fast response and freedom from extern...