Monday, November 6, 2023

How to choose MEMS IMU?

IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) is an inertial measurement unit that can measure the three-axis acceleration and angular velocity of an object. It is generally used in the measurement part of the system to estimate the pose of the object. IMU generally includes a three-axis accelerometer and a three-axis gyroscope. The accelerometer detects the acceleration signal of the object on three independent axes of the carrier coordinate system, and the gyroscope detects the angular velocity signal of the carrier relative to the navigation coordinate system. The angular velocity and acceleration in space can solve the pose of the object. MEMS IMU is cheap and small, and is widely used in many fields such as navigation, drones, VR, robots, and smart bracelets. The detection accuracy of the IMU is very important to the overall performance of the system. If the noise detected by the IMU is very noisy, then the feedback the system gets is wrong, just like human eyes, ears and other sense organs get wrong information. How can we move freely? The bottom layer of the system is the foundation. If the bottom layer of the system is unstable, it will be difficult for the upper layer to function well. ERICCO has always strictly controlled the accuracy of IMU and has been pursuing the improvement of IMU system. Next, ERICCO will also launch new high-precision IMU products.

1. Zero bias temperature hysteresis characteristics

The zero-bias temperature hysteresis characteristic means that the corresponding zero-bias of the IMU is inconsistent during the heating phase and the cooling phase. Some IMU data manuals will give the zero-bias temperature hysteresis characteristic curve, and some will not. It is best to test it when applying the IMU. Since the IMU zero bias estimate is calibrated based on temperature (the IMU calibration algorithm is introduced in detail), if the temperature lag difference is not too large, the calibration accuracy will be relatively high; if the IMU zero bias hysteresis value is too large, the IMU zero calibration error will be relatively high. large, thus affecting the fusion effect.

2.Vibration characteristics

In the case of external vibration, the variation characteristics of IMU deviation with vibration frequency. Some MEMS IMU chips have abnormal frequency characteristics under high-frequency excitation. For applications such as rotor drones that are prone to high-frequency vibrations, vibration characteristics are generally tested. If the IMU frequency characteristics are abnormal, you can consider it. Add shock absorbers.

3. Effect of repeated power-on on IMU deviation

Ideally, it is thought that under the same external conditions, the bias of the IMU will remain the same each time it is powered up. In fact, under the same external conditions, the bias of the IMU will be different every time the IMU is powered up. If the difference is relatively large, it will be zero. The bias estimation error will be relatively large, affecting the fusion effect.

4. The impact of stress on prejudice

The influence of stress on IMU includes: the influence of stress moment on offset, and the influence of different stresses on offset. The stress mainly comes from: the stress exerted by the PCB board on the IMU chip and the stress exerted by the temperature control device on the IMU chip. If the IMU bias is too sensitive to the impact of stress, it will also affect the zero drift estimation error, thus affecting the fusion effect.

5. Impact of impact on zero deviation

When the IMU is subjected to an external impact (on the order of tens of G), it is possible that the IMU will get stuck or the deviation will change. In general, testing should be done.

6. Nonlinear factor (%Fs)

Ideally, we consider the sensor data to be linear over this range. In fact, the sensor changes are non-linear. As shown in Figure 2, the nonlinear characteristics of the IMU need to be tested before use. If the nonlinearity is too severe, nonlinear calibration should be performed. There are many such calibration methods, such as proportional calibration, quadratic fitting calibration, etc.

If you want to know more about IMU products, please click the link below



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How to Select Tilt sensor?

As the name suggests, the tilt sensor is to measure the angle of the carrier through sensor technology. The application of tilt sensor is more and more extensive, and it has been widely used in the attitude detection field such as radar antenna angle measurement, bridge, mountain, dam, tall building, engineering vehicle robot arm angle measurement. So how do we choose a suitable tilt sensor?

1. Select by application environment

If you want to apply to a static environment or uniform motion environment, choose a static tilt sensor, if your actual use of the environment is dynamic, non-uniform motion, then choose a dynamic tilt sensor.
1.1 Inclination sensors are divided into two types according to the principle, one type can be called static inclination sensors, which are more widely used in the monitoring of static or quasi-static objects such as DAMS, bridges, towering buildings. For example, the ER-TS-3160VO is a static inclination sensor that can measure the tilt angle of an object in a static state, and can be used to check the tilt angle of bridges, DAMS, and monitor the angle of various construction machinery. It has the characteristics of small size, strong impact resistance and vibration resistance.
1.2 Another type is the dynamic inclination sensor, which adopts the latest inertial navigation technology to avoid the loss of accuracy of the sensor in the process of motion and vibration, and can be applied to vehicles, aircraft, construction machinery, robots and other motion carriers to measure the attitude of the carrier with high precision in motion.

2. Select by transmission mode

If you have high requirements for environment, noise, and mobility, you can choose wireless, if you need high signal stability, long life, and low failure rate you can choose wired. According to the different data transmission mode, the inclination sensor can be divided into wireless and wired two kinds.

2.1 Wireless tilt sensors transmit tilt signals through wireless communication technology without cable connection, making them highly flexible. The main advantage of wireless tilt sensors is their flexibility and convenience. Since no wiring is required, the sensor can be easily installed wherever it is needed, regardless of laying cables. In addition, the wireless tilt sensor also has the advantages of high mobility, easy expansion and maintenance. For example, the ER-TS-12200-Modbus is a wireless inclination sensor that does not need to use a traditional cable to transmit inclination signals, but uses a lithium battery to power and wirelessly transmit inclination data via Bluetooth and ZigBee. This wireless digital signal transmission method eliminates the tedious wiring and noise interference caused by long cable transmission. However, wireless sensors also have some disadvantages, such as signal quality may be affected by radio interference, and signal stability and reliability may not be as good as wired sensors. Wireless inclinometer sensors can be widely used in bridge construction, transmission tower/signal tower tilt, dangerous buildings, ancient buildings, warehouse shelves, smart towns, smart lighthouses, fan tower tilt monitoring and other scenarios.

2.2 Wired inclination sensors usually use RS485 bus or other similar bus protocols to transmit inclination signals. RS485 is a serial communication protocol widely used in the field of industrial automation, which has the advantages of noise suppression and high signal quality. The main advantage of the wired inclinometer sensor is that the signal stability is high, and the signal quality is not easy to be disturbed by the wired transmission mode. In addition, wired sensors have long service life, low maintenance costs, and low failure rates. However, this sensor also has some disadvantages, such as the need to lay cables, high requirements for the field environment, and wiring difficulties may exist in some application scenarios. Wired inclination sensors can be widely used in construction, bridge, dam, shield jacking, rail transit, high-rise buildings, slope monitoring and other scenarios.

3. Select by the number of axes

According to the need to measure the inclination of several directions to choose, if it is to measure one direction, use a single axis, if it is to measure two directions (pitch and roll), choose a double axis.

What is the Difference Between an Accelerometer and a Vibration Sensor

 The difference of working principle

Acceleration sensors and vibration sensors look very similar in appearance, but there is a big difference in how they work.

An acceleration sensor measures the acceleration of an object over a given period of time, that is, the rate of change in the velocity of an object over a period of time. It obtains vibration information by measuring the motion state of the object.

The vibration sensor is to measure the amplitude, frequency and phase information of the vibration of the object, and diagnose the application through the characteristics of the vibration. It directly monitors the vibration of the object and is used to determine whether the equipment is in normal operation.

Acceleration sensor

An acceleration sensor is a common sensor used to measure the acceleration of an object. This sensor is manufactured using microelectromechanical system (MEMS) technology and can measure an object's acceleration, tilt Angle and static gravity. It is widely used in car navigation, smart phones, sports tracking and other fields. The working principle of the acceleration sensor is to estimate the speed and displacement of an object by measuring its acceleration.For example, the bias stability of ER-MA-5 is (1s standard deviation)(1σ)<20ug, and bias month repeatability is 200ug.

Vibration sensor

Vibration sensor is a kind of sensor mainly used in industrial automation, mechanical monitoring and other fields. It can measure key parameters such as vibration speed, displacement and acceleration of equipment or machines. The working principle of vibration sensor is to capture the vibration signal of the target to feedback its physical motion. Under normal circumstances, vibration sensors are widely used in mechanical fault diagnosis, process monitoring, equipment status assessment and other fields.

Application difference

Although both vibration sensors and acceleration sensors can be used to detect vibrations, they have different application scenarios. Vibration sensors are mainly used in industrial automation, mechanical monitoring and other fields, which can measure the speed, displacement and acceleration of vibration. The acceleration sensor is suitable for car navigation, smart phones, sports tracking and other fields, and can measure the acceleration of objects. In addition, vibration sensors are better suited for measuring low frequency vibrations than acceleration sensors, while acceleration sensors are better suited for high frequency vibrations than vibration sensors.

If you want to know more about quartz accelerometers or purchase, please contact me through the following ways:

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Sunday, November 5, 2023

Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Technology and Applications in UAVs

1: Definition and composition of IMU An inertial measurement unit (IMU) is a device that integrates sensors such as accelerometers and gyroscopes and is used to measure the linear acceleration, angular velocity and direction of objects. An IMU typically consists of a three-axis accelerometer, a three-axis gyroscope, and possibly a magnetometer. These sensors can capture the movement of the drone and provide accurate attitude information.

2: IMU technical principle and working method The working principle of IMU is based on the basic principle of inertial measurement. Accelerometers derive information about an object's velocity and displacement by measuring the linear acceleration experienced by an object. The gyroscope measures the angular velocity of the object and derives the rotation attitude of the object. Magnetometers can help determine the direction of an object. The IMU uses data from these sensors and processes it with filtering and fusion algorithms to provide accurate flight status information.

3: Application scenarios of IMU in drones IMU has a wide range of application scenarios in drones. First of all, IMU is one of the key technologies to realize UAV navigation and positioning, and can provide precise position and attitude information. Secondly, in the stability control of the drone, the IMU can help the drone maintain balance and offset external interference. In addition, IMU is also commonly used to implement functions such as autonomous flight, path planning, and obstacle avoidance of UAVs. The ER-MIMU-03 developed by Ericco uses high-quality and reliable MEMS accelerometers and gyroscopes. It communicates with the outside via RS422. The baud rate can be flexibly set between 9600 and 921600. The communication baud rate required by the user is set through the communication protocol. Equipped with X, Y, Z three-axis precision gyroscope, X, Y, Z three-axis accelerometer, with high resolution, it can output the original hexadecimal complement of X, Y, Z three-axis gyroscope and accelerometer through RS422 code data (including gyroscope hexadecimal complement) numerical temperature, angle, accelerometer hexadecimal temperature, acceleration hexadecimal complement); it can also output gyroscope and accelerometer data that have been processed by underlying calculations Floating point dimensionless value. The application fields are also relatively wide, and can be used in heading, pitch, and roll measurement in UAV AHRS; guidance, navigation and control of satellite antennas in tactical MEMS weapon systems, stabilization and pointing in target tracking systems, and autonomous machines and unmanned aerial vehicles. Robot control and orientation in driving vehicles, etc.

Inertial measurement unit (IMU) technology in drones plays a vital role in the modern drone field. By in-depth understanding of the principles, composition and application scenarios of IMU, we can better understand the flight control system of drones and apply it to various practical scenarios.

In the future, with the continuous development and innovation of drone technology, IMU technology will also be further improved and improved. Through continued research and exploration, we can expect the emergence of more accurate and stable drone navigation and control systems. The widespread application of drones will bring more convenience to our lives, and at the same time promote the development and progress of the entire aviation field.



Whatsapp: 13630231561

Common Technical Problems before the Selection of Tilt Sensors


We often encounter some technical problems when choosing a tilt sensor, such as:

1. What is a sensor?

Sensors are devices used to measure various physical quantities, such as temperature measurement, pressure measurement, speed measurement, inclination measurement and so on.

2. What is inclination?

Inclination is the angle of inclination, is a special angle, generally speaking, is the angle between a measured plane and the horizontal plane.

3. What is an tilt sensor?

A tilt sensor is a sensor used to measure inclination.

4. What is a horizontal plane?

Roughly speaking, the plane formed after the water is completely relatively still, why add the word "relative"? Because no object is absolutely at rest, rest is relative. Relative to another object. There are infinite planes parallel to this plane. In fact, the definition of horizontal plane and plane are physical and mathematical concepts that help us understand the real world or find physical and mathematical laws as basic concepts.

5. What is the meaning of the output mode of the tilt sensor?

The output mode is divided into two aspects, one refers to the physical output mode, and the other is only the electrical output mode.

6. How many kinds of physical output modes are there for the tilt sensor?

Usually there is a cable output, connector output. Cable output depends on the length, color identification, connector output, pay attention to the number of cores, and pin definition.

7. What is the problem with cable output?

When purchasing products, if it is cable output, it is best to look at the manual, the manufacturer's standard output length is how much. Then according to their own application, installation requirements, determine their own cable length, if increased, will involve price changes, try to leave a little margin, in case the length is not enough. Sometimes the customer requirements are more special, the way of cable + connector, and the way of internal terminals are also uncommon.

8. What is the electrical output mode of the tilt sensor?

The electrical output mode is relative to the physical output mode, mainly refers to the electrical connection mode of the following bit machine, which is divided into many kinds, the largest is divided into two categories, that is, analog output and digital font output.

9. What is an analog output tilt sensor? 

Analog output means that the output signal is an analog signal, such as voltage output, current output.For example, Ericcos ER-TS-3160VO is a voltage type output, its built-in (MEMS) solid pendulum measures the change of static gravity field, which is converted into the change of inclination, and the change is output through the voltage (0~10V, 0~5V optional).

10. What is digital output?

Digital output is relative to analog, there are many kinds of digital interfaces, such as RS232, TTL, RS485, CAN, PWM, and very rare RS422 interface, SII interface, and other master-slave communication methods.

If you want to learn more about tilt sensors or buy

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Thursday, November 2, 2023

How to Choose an Appropriate North Finder?


North-seeking methods include inertial instrument north-seeking method, astronomical observation method, geodetic method, magnetic north-seeking method, satellite positioning method, reference object method and other methods. However, only the north-seeking instrument developed using the principle of inertia can independently complete the north-seeking task without being disturbed by natural conditions or environment, and has the characteristics of long continuous working time and high accuracy.

The north seeker mainly determines the true north value of the attached carrier by measuring the angular velocity of the earth’s rotation, without being interfered or affected by external magnetic fields or other environments. There are many types of inertial north seekers on the market, so it is particularly important to choose a north seeker. This article will introduce in detail how to choose a suitable north seeker through its core sensor, application environment, size, weight and accuracy.

Selection Factors for North Finder

Core Sensor

The core sensor plays a decisive role in the north seeker and greatly affects the north seeker accuracy. Therefore, the core sensor is crucial when choosing a north seeker. There are three main core sensors currently used in north seekers: ring laser gyroscopes (RLG). Gyroscope technology also includes fiber optic gyroscopes (FOG) and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) gyroscopes, which can be selected according to the application field and requirements. Choose precision small, compact, lightweight and radiation resistant, the RLG is compact and self-contained and does not create friction, which can affect accuracy and increase “drift” over time. In fact, compared to mechanical gyroscopes that can drift 0.1-0.01 degrees per hour, the RLG drifts about 0.0035 degrees, making it suitable for low-cost vehicle positioning and north-finding applications. However, the ring laser gyroscope (RLG) has dominated the inertial navigation market since its first introduction in 1963. Its dominance is gradually being challenged by technological improvements in fiber optic gyroscopes (FOG), which are also slowly occupying RLG in the inertial navigation market.

Fiber Optic Gyroscopes (FOG) have higher inertial performance and lower bias than RLG gyroscopes, making them the solution of choice for high-precision applications such as GNSS rejection environments or antenna pointing. A fiber optic gyroscope is a solid-state device that does not use a dither mechanism, which means it does not produce any acoustic vibrations, making it more durable and reliable than an RLG. In addition, fiber optic gyroscope applications can be expanded by changing the length and diameter of the fiber coil.

MEMS technology has made great progress in recent years. MEMS rate gyroscopes measure the earth’s rotation angular velocity to calculate the azimuth angle, collect the output of the gyroscope at different azimuth angles, and perform signal processing to calculate the azimuth angle of the device. MEMS sensors achieve higher accuracy, improved error characteristics, and better sensitivity, significantly improving overall MEMS performance. While other companies produce millions of MEMS for commercial and consumer products, Ericco focuses on high-performance systems typically used in aerospace, defense and transportation applications. For example, ER-MNS-05 is fully temperature compensated and has high precision and sensitivity characteristics, which greatly improves work efficiency.

Therefore, when choosing a north seeker, special attention should be paid to its core sensor. Sensor accuracy can improve the overall performance of the north seeker. If the requirement for north seeking accuracy is slightly higher: around 0.1°, 0.2°~0.02°, you can choose an optical fiber sensor (FOG). If you require ultra-high accuracy and there are no strict requirements on volume, you can choose a laser sensor (RLG) as the seeker. The accuracy can reach about 0.01°~0.005°. You can choose a north-seeking instrument according to your own requirements for north-seeking accuracy, which can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Size and Weight

Because the application fields of north seekers are different, the working spaces are also different, in some complex working areas such as drilling rigs, mines, tunnel boring machines, etc. There are two main types of north seekers: MEMS and FOG. The MEMS north seeker is small and lightweight. MEMS also consume less power than FOG, providing longer mission times for fuel-constrained vehicles. If you have strict requirements on size, MEMS is the most recommended. For example, ER-MNS-06 is the smallest north finder in the world, only 44.84×38.88×21.39mm, weight ≤60g, and accuracy of 0.25°-1. If the weight and size requirements are not strict, but accuracy is required, a laser sensor (RLG) can be selected as the north finder. If there are some requirements for size and accuracy, it is recommended to choose an optical fiber sensor (FOG) as the north finder. For example: ER-FNS-03, with dimensions of 200×100×90mm/210×125×105mm, and a weight of 2.0Kg. It has the same accuracy as the mems north finder and is small in size.

North Seeking Accuracy

Another north-finding capability unique to FOG, even in highly magnetic environments. In contrast to MEMS technology, which relies on magnetometers for accurate heading, FOG accurately measures the Earth’s angular rate of rotation even when it’s in motion and can accurately determine north direction within minutes. This is a particularly welcome feature for subsea applications that cannot rely on any GNSS signal for long periods of time. For example, the ER-FNS-03, a low-cost 3-axis FOG north seeker, is the leader among FOG north seekers.

If the requirements for north seeking accuracy are particularly high, one time Sigma, and an accuracy of 0.001 or above, a laser sensor will generally be selected as the north seeker. At around 0.01°~0.5°, an optical fiber sensor can be selected as the north seeker, while the mems north seeker generally The north accuracy is around 0.5°~1°, 2°. Once the important accuracy is determined, everyone will be able to purchase a high-quality north finder, which will also reduce errors for practical applications.

Application Areas

Gyroscopic orth-finding systems are widely used in various fields of the national economy and military. When using gyroscopic north-seeking systems to obtain azimuth information, there are many different observation methods and operating procedures based on different industry characteristics and constraints. The transmission and aiming of azimuth are the most commonly used and basic links. Many typical applications of gyro north-finding systems require the application of this technology.

Measurement of Centerline of Tunnel Project

During the construction and construction processes of mining, transportation and other industries, tunnel shield excavation is carried out underground, and the acquisition of northbound information is the basis for the smooth progress of the project. In excavation projects such as tunnels, the centerline measurement in the pit generally uses long-distance wires that are difficult to ensure accuracy. Especially when carrying out shield excavation, it is necessary to have high angle measurement accuracy and station shifting accuracy starting from the short reference center line of the pit. During the measurement, corresponding inspections on the ground and underground must be carried out frequently to ensure the accuracy of the measurement. However, in dense urban areas, it is difficult to ensure measurement accuracy because it is impossible to carry out too many inspection operations. If you use a gyro theodolite, you can get an absolutely high-precision azimuth reference, and it can reduce the cost-intensive inspection work (with the least number of inspection points), and it is a very efficient centerline measurement method.

Targeting of Weapon Systems in the Military

The gyroscopic north-seeking system can play a huge role in military geodesic operations, that is, to provide reference quasi-shooting directions for weapon systems such as artillery and missiles, and to conduct measurements to obtain northbound signals. Conventional operation methods make geodesic protection in mind. It is basic, but the effective use of the weapon’s power has been tested. For example, in the artillery unit’s geodesic operations, to a certain extent, whether it is controlled measurement or continuous measurement of artillery battle formations, the methods to obtain higher accuracy include the following: retrieving or calculating the orientation based on the result data, inducing the orientation, Astronomical orientation determination has great limitations in practical operations, which affects the speed and accuracy of geodetic operations to a certain extent. The introduction of the gyro north-finding system has solved the problem of all-weather accurate position acquisition, greatly improved the operating methods, facilitated the comprehensive implementation of the operating methods, and made fast and accurate geodetic support a reality.

Many Equipment in the Defense Industry

A large number of orientation requirements, for example: inertial navigation equipment needs to establish an indoor north direction reference, the zero direction or axis of the inertial navigation test turntable needs to point in a certain direction; the antennas of the radio frequency simulation laboratory (up to several hundred Even thousands) need to be distributed on the spherical array and required to point to the center of the sphere. Some require the true north direction. The zero direction of the spherical center turntable needs to be aligned with the zero position of the spherical array; inertial navigation test products need to determine the true north direction; inertial navigation test products need to determine the true north direction. The pilot test turntable needs to detect the accuracy of the rotation. With the development of my country’s national defense, aviation and manned space industry, these fields and disciplines are in urgent need of high-precision directional measurement technology support.

Azimuth Datum and Azimuth Datum Device

In situations where north direction information needs to be frequently used for reference, it is often necessary to save the azimuth information and establish various azimuth datums, such as the calibration azimuth of various instruments and equipment, the azimuth of landmarks, the north direction of the turntable installation, etc. The north direction of these datums Errors will directly affect the quality of work, such as inertial instrument testing accuracy, engineering construction azimuth accuracy, etc. The accuracy is often required to be as high as arcsecond level or above. In application scenarios such as dynamic initial calibration, static initial calibration, and direction control of radars, antennas, vehicles, etc., the fiber optic gyro north seeker ER-FNS-02 is a perfect match for these working scenarios and has the characteristics of strong stability and high reliability. , the accuracy reaches (0.02°-0.1°), used for high-precision initial alignment and direction control solutions, providing a lot of convenience for work. Accuracy can improve relatively over time. The north-finding time of a gyro-theodolite generally takes about 5 to 20 minutes, and the accuracy can reach 10”.

In the measurement application of the centerline of tunnel projects, the north-seeking accuracy is extremely high, generally around 0.005°. High-precision sensors must be selected as the north-finding instrument, such as RLG laser sensors as the north-seeking instrument. The aiming of weapon systems in the military generally uses sensors of about 0.5°~0.02°. The requirements for azimuth reference and azimuth reference devices are also relatively high. For calibration devices, sensors of 0.001° are generally used as north seekers.The application scope of the north seeker is quite wide. It plays an important role in modern national defense construction and national economic construction. If the north seeker does not meet your own requirements, you should choose it according to your own application needs and the parameters of the north seeker. Select or customize to achieve coordination between north-finding accuracy and north-seeking speed.

If you are interested in this north finder, you can leave me a message or send a quote and I will send you the price and technical description.
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Wednesday, November 1, 2023

How to choose an inertial measurement unit (IMU) for drone applications?

An Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) is an electronic device that uses accelerometers and gyroscopes to measure acceleration and rotation, which can be used to provide position data.

IMUs are essential components in unmanned aerial systems (UAVs, UAS and drones) – common applications include control and stabilization, guidance and correction, measurement and testing, and mobile mapping.

The raw measurements output by an IMU (angular rates, linear accelerations and magnetic field strengths) or AHRS (roll, pitch and yaw) can be fed into devices such as Inertial Navigation Systems (INS), which calculate relative position, orientation and velocity to aid navigation and control of UAVs.

There are many types of IMU, some of which incorporate magnetometers to measure magnetic field strength, but the four main technological categories for UAV applications are: Silicon MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems), Quartz MEMS, FOG (Fiber Optic Gyro), and RLG (Ring Laser Gyro).

Silicon MEMS IMUs are based around miniaturized sensors that measure either the deflection of a mass due to movement, or the force required to hold a mass in place. They typically perform with higher noise, vibration sensitivity and instability parameters than FOG IMUs, but MEMS-based IMUs are becoming more precise as the technology continues to be developed.

MEMS IMUs are ideal for smaller UAV platforms and high-volume production units, as they can generally be manufactured with much smaller size and weight, and at lower cost.

FOG IMUs use a solid-state technology based on beams of light propagating through a coiled optical fiber. They are less sensitive to shock and vibration, and offer excellent thermal stability, but are susceptible to magnetic interference. They also provide high performance in important parameters such as angle random walk, bias offset error, and bias instability, making them ideal for mission-critical UAV applications such as extremely precise navigation.

Higher bandwidth also makes FOG IMUs suitable for high-speed platform stabilization. Typically larger and more costly than MEMS-based IMUs, they are often used in larger UAV platforms.

RLG IMUs utilise a similar technological principle to FOG IMUs but with a sealed ring cavity in place of an optical fiber. They are generally considered to be the most accurate option, but are also the most expensive of the IMU technologies and typically much larger than the alternative technologies.

Quartz MEMS IMUs use a one-piece inertial sensing element, micro-machined from quartz, that is driven by an oscillator to vibrate at a precise amplitude. The vibrating quartz can then be used to sense angular rate, producing a signal that can be amplified and converted into a DC signal proportional to the rate. These factors make it ideal for inertial systems designed for the space- and power-constrained environments of UAVs.

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Why is this north Seeker your best choice in the drilling field?

  During downhole operations, the main problems that the north   seeking system needs to solve include impact vibration, system volume, azim...