Sunday, November 12, 2023

What Does an Accelerometer do in an Airplane?

Quartz accelerometer is widely used in flight control system. It mainly relies on its high precision and high stability to realize the functional design of navigation, control and safety system.

1. Navigation system

As an important part of navigation system, quartz accelerometer is mainly used to measure the acceleration, speed and altitude of aircraft. Based on its high precision and strong stability, the quartz accelerometer can provide high-precision positioning and navigation information for aircraft and improve flight safety performance. At the same time, quartz accelerometers can be used in combination with other sensors such as gyroscopes to achieve more accurate aircraft positioning and navigation. For example, ER-QA-03C is specially designed for the aviation field, its size is 18.2X23mm, bias repeatability is 15-80μg,scale factor repeatability is 15-80 PPM and class II non-linearity repeatability is 20 to 50μg/g2.

2. Control system

The quartz accelerometer is used in the control system to monitor the attitude, angular velocity and acceleration of the aircraft. Based on its high precision and fast reaction speed, the quartz accelerometer can detect the status and behavior of the aircraft in real time, achieve fast response and control, and improve flight safety and stability.


3. Security system

Quartz accelerometers are also widely used in safety systems, mainly for detecting and preventing turbulence and abnormal behavior of aircraft. Based on its high precision and fast reaction speed, the quartz accelerometer can detect the acceleration change and turbulence of the aircraft in real time, and take corresponding measures in advance to avoid the occurrence of accidents.

Quartz accelerometer has been widely used in the field of flight control abroad. Its high precision and strong stability provide important support and guarantee for the design and development of flight system. It is believed that with the continuous development of technology, the application range and function of quartz accelerometer will be further improved and improved, and make greater contributions to flight safety and scientific development.

If you want to know more about quartz accelerometers or purchase, please contact me through the following ways:

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Thursday, November 9, 2023

Internal Structure Analysis of IMU

The full name of IMU is Inertial Measurement Unit. It is a module composed of multiple sensors such as a three-axis accelerometer and a three-axis gyroscope.

IMU is mainly used for north finding or navigation and is widely used in driverless vehicles and drones.

Let’s talk about the working principles of the three-axis accelerometer and three-axis gyroscope in Ericco’s IMU.

1. Three-axis accelerometer

Three-axis accelerometer is based on the basic principle of acceleration to achieve work.

A triaxial accelerometer is an inertial sensor that can measure the specific force of an object, that is, the overall acceleration or nongravitational force acting on a unit mass without gravity. When the accelerometer remains stationary, it can sense the acceleration of gravity, while the overall acceleration is zero. In a free-fall motion, the overall acceleration is the acceleration of gravity, but the accelerometer is in a weightless state internally, and at the same time, the output of the accelerometer is zero.

The three-axis accelerometer can be used to measure angles. Intuitively, e amount of spring compression is determined by the angle between the accelerometer and the ground. The specific force can be measured by the compression length of the spring. Therefore, without external force, the accelerometer can accurately measure the pitch and roll angle without accumulated error.

MEMS triaxial accelerometers use piezoresistive, piezoelectric, and capacitive operating principles, and the specific force (pressure or displacement) generated is proportional to the changes in resistance, voltage, and capacitance respectively. These changes can be collected through corresponding amplification and filtering circuits. The disadvantage of this sensor is that it is greatly affected by vibration.

2. Three-axis gyroscope

The three-axis gyroscope is the core sensitive device of the inertial navigation system, and its measurement accuracy directly affects the accuracy of the attitude calculation of the inertial navigation system.

Function: Calculate the angular velocity and the angle after integrating the angular velocity in the measurement unit.

Principle: To understand the principle of a three-axis gyroscope, one must first know the Coriolis force. Coriolis force is an inertial or fictitious force that acts on objects in motion within a frame of reference that rotates with respect to an inertial frame. The Coriolis force comes from the inertia motion of an object.

When a particle moves in a straight line relative to an inertial system, its trajectory relative to the rotating system is a curve due to its own inertia. Based on a rotating system, we believe that there is a force driving the trajectory of a particle to form a curve. Coriolis force is a description of this deviation, that is, when the motion of a straight line is placed in a rotating system, the trajectory of the straight line will shift, but the problem of actually not moving in a straight line is not affected by the force. Establishing such a virtual force is called a Coriolis force.

Therefore, in a gyroscope, we select two objects that are in constant motion and have their phases of motion differ by -180 degrees, that is, the two mass blocks move in opposite directions with the same size. The Coriolis force generated by them is opposite, thereby compressing the movement of the two corresponding capacitor plates, resulting in differential capacitance changes. The change in capacitance is proportional to the rotational angular velocity. The change in rotation angle can be obtained from the capacitance.

Ericco not only has FOG IMU but also MEMS IMU, high-precision navigation level and north-seeking level. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.



Whatsapp: 13630231561

Tilt Sensor in Construction Machinery and other 11 Application Scenarios Detailed (Part 2)


The tilt sensor is a kind of acceleration sensor that uses the principle of inertia to measure the angle change. Inclination sensors are used in a variety of applications to measure angles.

6. Robots

Robot - In recent years, robot technology has developed rapidly, and industrial developed countries such as Europe and the United States have long begun to conduct systematic research on various robots, and with the progress of science and technology and the passage of time, a large number of research results have been achieved. We know that a large number of sensors are applied to the robot, among which the inclination sensor can monitor the robot's state in real time. Tilt sensors ER-TS-3160VO, for example, are used in urban plumbing robots.

Uavs - UAVs are equipped with a large number of tilt sensors for real-time detection and monitoring of aircraft flight attitude, which are transmitted to the ground control center through radio waves. The high-precision tilt sensor series belongs to the high-precision and high-stability series, and has a wide range of applications in aircraft attitude calibration, sail attitude control and other fields.

7. Railroad tracks

Track detector: the current track measurement method has poor intelligence, low measurement accuracy and long operation time, so it is urgent to design a portable intelligent track detector inclination sensor suitable for general use for track inspection instrument to detect the inclination and height difference of railway in real time.

8. Power pylons

Power line tower tilt intelligent monitoring - power line tower collapse events occur from time to time, once collapse, will cause huge losses, tilt sensor applied to power line tower tilt angle monitoring, can real-time monitoring power line tilt angle, once the tilt angle is too large due to natural disasters such as wind, real-time warning signals, by staff maintenance to reduce losses.

9. Platform control

Shipborne horizontal platform - The inclination sensor is applied on the shipborne horizontal platform, which is used for shipborne satellite to track the base of the antenna to keep the antenna in a horizontal state at all times, and for real-time control of the platform, which can isolate the pitch and roll motion of the hull and make the platform level.

In addition, the inclination sensor is also applied in the launching process of the ship air bag, and is applied to the hook swing of the large pipe laying ship for monitoring and adjustment.

Application of inclination sensor in automatic levelling system of reference plane of large optoelectronic equipment. The dip angle sensor installed on the base detects the dip angle and direction of the reference plane, converts the angle into the elongation of several mechanical legs according to the leveling algorithm, and drives the elongation of the mechanical legs to make the reference plane level.

10. Solar Energy

Solar energy - solar energy is a kind of clean energy, its application is generally growing within the century, the use of solar power is a way to use solar energy, so in order to get sufficient use of solar energy, how to choose the solar cell azimuth and tilt Angle is an important issue, the use of inclination sensor to adjust the Angle, the utilization of solar energy further improved.

11. Agricultural applications

Groove cleaning machine - The inclination sensor is used in the groove cleaning machine for foundation groove and farmland ground leveling. The flatness is monitored and controlled.

The application of tilt sensor ER-TS-12200-Modbus in paddy field grader is used for soil leveling in southern paddy field. The fine leveling technology of paddy field is an important measure to save irrigation water, improve fertilizer utilization rate, inhibit weed growth, increase rice yield and reduce production cost in the process of rice production.


Tilt sensor has a wide range of applications, and many fields will use it, especially in the field of life and industry. Without it, many mechanical tools can not be carried out, can not work well, and can not guarantee safety.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

What is the Vibration Resistance of Quartz Accelerometer?

 The quartz flexible accelerometer is an important measurement component in the strapdown inertial navigation system. The real-time velocity of the carrier can be obtained by connecting the three points in the coordinate system of the moving carrier, and the current position of the carrier can be obtained by the quadratic integration of the accelerometer. If there is an error in the output value of the accelerometer, the error will be amplified with the integration of time, so the accuracy of the accelerometer will directly affect the accuracy of the entire inertial system. The characteristic of strapdown inertial navigation is that the measurement device is installed on the main body of navigation information such as missiles, ships and aircraft, so in practical application, the accelerometer may be in the vibration, shock, temperature change and other harsh environmental conditions for a long time, which has a great impact on its measurement accuracy, stability and life. The inertial navigation has strict requirements on the performance of the quartz flexible accelerometer. If it has high accuracy and good stability, it can extend the working cycle of the whole system and improve the working efficiency.

The pendulum plate of quartz flexible accelerometer is formed by quartz material after laser cutting, acid etching and other special processing, and the thermal expansion coefficient is very small, which is 1/10~1/20 of ordinary glass, but quartz glass is a brittle material, and the thickness of the flexible beam is 0.03mm, which is easy to break. In actual work, the accelerometer may often be in a harsh environment such as vibration, shock, and temperature upheaval, which has a great test for its accuracy and stability. In addition, the uneven thickness of the flexible beam edge will also reduce the reliability of the pendulum. Therefore, to study the impact resistance of quartz flexible accelerometer is to study the impact resistance of pendulum components. The designed quartz accelerometer ER-QA-02A has the characteristics of vibration resistance, and maintains 100 (3~7 days)μg in the bias repeatability, the scale factor stability is less than 100 (3~7 days)ppm, and the operating temperature can reach -45~+150℃.

If you want to know more about quartz accelerometers or purchase, please contact me through the following ways:

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What does IMU stand for in drones?

In general, inertial sensors can be divided into performance categories based on bias stability specifications, which help classify the performance of the module. The higher the grade of the sensor, the higher its accuracy tends to be. Typically, tactical-grade and industrial-grade IMUs are the first choice for demanding applications such as drone navigation because they offer high performance and accuracy. Tactical-grade IMUs operate gyroscopes with extremely low bias stability, which means that the bias error becomes more stable over time. This is a necessary quality for mission-critical and high-precision applications such as drone navigation, antenna and weapon platform stabilization. ER-MIMU02 and ER-MIMU06 developed by Ericco are tactical-grade IMUs. They use high-quality and reliable MEMS accelerometers and gyroscopes. RS422 communicates with the outside. The baud rate can be flexibly set between 9600~921600. Users can set it through the communication protocol. The desired communication baud rate. Equipped with X, Y, Z three-axis precision gyroscope, X, Y, Z three-axis accelerometer, with high resolution, it can output the original hexadecimal complement of X, Y, Z three-axis gyroscope and accelerometer through RS422 code data (including gyroscope hexadecimal complement) numerical temperature, angle, accelerometer hexadecimal temperature, acceleration hexadecimal complement); it can also output gyroscope and accelerometer data that have been processed by underlying calculations Floating point dimensionless value. Industrial-grade IMUs are less accurate than tactical-grade IMUs, but have better performance and reliability than systems for consumer applications.

They have good resistance to shock and vibration and exhibit good repeatability over time and temperature. Many industrial grade IMUs are factory calibrated for improved temperature performance.

MEMS-based IMUs are often used in industrial-grade applications such as drone platforms that require small components over other performance parameters for stability, control, and navigation.

In addition to industrial and tactical grade IMUs, higher grade IMUs are also available: navigation grade, strategic grade or military grade.

Drone IMUs often need to be highly rugged to withstand harsh environments, such as high levels of shock and vibration and wide temperature ranges. Housings can be made from materials such as precision machined anodized aluminum and meet various ingress protection (environmental sealing) standards, and IMUs with low vibration sensitivity provide higher accuracy navigation solutions in harsh drone applications with high vibration levels plan.

If you want to know more about IMU products, please click the link below and contact us, and we will have professional staff explain it to you in detail.



Whatsapp: 13630231561

Tilt sensor in Construction Machinery and other 11 Application Scenarios Detailed (Part 1)


The tilt sensor is a kind of acceleration sensor that uses the principle of inertia to measure the angle change. Inclination sensors are used in a variety of applications to measure angles.

1. Maritime Geography

Landslides, avalanches - The dual-axis inclination sensor ER-TS-4250VO with the liquid level sensor is used for landslide or avalanche monitoring, and the data is transmitted to the central control system through the wireless sensing system to monitor the status of the mountain in real time, which can effectively reduce the loss caused by landslides.

2. Construction works

High-rise building safety monitoring - At present, more and more skyscrapers in the world, in order to monitor the safety performance of the building, you can apply high-precision servo tilt sensors, this series of tilt sensors can sense small angle changes, can be used for building swing, vibration, tilt and other monitoring.

3. Reservoir dam

Dam safety monitoring - Dam collapse accidents have occurred many times. In order to send early warning signals in time and reduce property losses, the monitoring, observation instruments and equipment of the ER-TS-3160VO inclination sensor are used to timely obtain various data observations and data processing that reflect the changes in dam and bedrock behavior and the effect of the environment on the dam. Its purpose is to analyze and estimate the safety degree of the dam in order to take timely measures to ensure the safe operation of the dam.

4. Hyundai Motor

Vehicle four-wheel positioning - With the development and application of electronic technology, the safety, comfort and intelligence of vehicles are getting higher and higher. The application of automobile side tilt angle sensor is an effective method to prevent automobile from tipping accident. It is an important measure to improve the safety of automobiles, especially off-road vehicles. Cars with a higher center of gravity, such as double-decker buses, are more necessary. The essence of car tipping is: the tipping moment to the outside is greater than the stable moment to the inside, when the height of the center of gravity is certain, the tilt moment oil tipping force (the lateral force to the outside) is determined.

Vehicle optoelectronic tracking equipment - Tilt sensor application in vehicle optoelectronic tracking equipment. The biaxial tilt sensor is installed on the base of the photoelectric tracking equipment to monitor the levelness of the base in real time, and ensure the high-precision work of the vehicle photoelectric tracking equipment.

5. Construction machinery

Excavator -- In order to realize the three-dimensional spatial positioning of the excavator, on the basis of installing the angle sensors of each joint of the working device, the platform rotation angle detection device and the platform inclination sensor are installed, and the laser receiver is installed on the bucket rod to detect the height of the horizontal mechanism emitted by the ground laser transmitter relative to the zero position of the receiver. The kinematics model of the excavator is established, and the coordinate transformation matrix of the car body relative to the earth is derived, that is, the car body positioning in three-dimensional space is completed, and the commonly used simple car body elevation positioning formula is obtained, so as to realize the three-dimensional space positioning of the excavator's excavation trajectory and lay the foundation for realizing the accuracy of the excavator's three-dimensional space trajectory and the excavator's depth control.

Other heavy industrial machinery - in addition to excavators, in other heavy industrial machinery, including cranes, lifts, graders, etc., will use tilt sensors, and tilt sensors have a heavy and heavy role in these heavy machinery equipment. It not only ensures that the angle range of these mechanical equipment is within the safety, but also can be raised to the alarm if it is out of range to protect personal safety. For example, the tilt sensor in the retractable mechanical hand is to measure the attitude of the cab and the change in the tilt angle of the boom to ensure driving safety.

If you want to learn more about inclination sensors or buy

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Application of high-precision inertial navigation IMU module in surveying and mapping

With the rapid development of science and technology, high-precision inertial navigation IMU modules are increasingly used in the field of surveying and mapping. This advanced technology not only improves the accuracy and efficiency of surveying and mapping, but also greatly promotes the development of surveying and mapping science. This article will introduce in detail the application of high-precision inertial navigation IMU modules in surveying and mapping, and discuss its advantages and prospects.

  First of all, one of the main applications of high-precision inertial navigation IMU modules in surveying and mapping is aerial surveying and mapping. Aerial surveying and mapping play an important role in geographic information systems (GIS), and high-precision inertial navigation IMU modules can provide important data such as aircraft attitude, position and speed information. By carrying this module, aerial surveying and mapping can achieve high-precision positioning and three-dimensional modeling of the earth's surface, providing reliable data support for urban planning, traffic management, environmental protection and other fields.

Secondly, high-precision inertial navigation IMU modules are also widely used in ground surveying and mapping. Ground surveying and mapping are mainly used for drawing maps, measuring surface morphology and surveying regional resources. The high-precision inertial navigation module IMU can obtain the position coordinates, attitude angle, speed and other information of the measurement vehicle in real time, thereby improving the accuracy and reliability of surveying and mapping data. Whether it is road surveying in urban construction planning, or land surveying and resource assessment, high-precision inertial navigation IMU modules can play an important role.

In addition to being widely used in two-dimensional surveying and mapping, high-precision inertial navigation IMU modules can also play an important role in three-dimensional surveying and mapping. With the continuous advancement of 3D technology, people's demand for 3D models of landforms, buildings, resources, etc. is increasing. The high-precision inertial navigation IMU module can provide precise position and attitude data for three-dimensional surveying and mapping, thereby achieving high-precision three-dimensional modeling of complex landforms and buildings. This has played an important role in promoting urban planning, architectural design, cultural relics protection and other fields.

In addition to the above application fields, high-precision inertial navigation IMU modules also play an important role in ocean surveying and mapping. Marine surveying and mapping is mainly used for seabed landform survey, marine resource assessment and navigation safety. The inertial navigation IMU module can cooperate with equipment such as sonar depth sounders to provide accurate position and attitude information of the ship for accurate charting and seabed landform research. In engineering fields such as submarine pipelines and offshore oil development, high-precision inertial navigation IMU modules can also provide reliable data support for engineering surveying and mapping.

It is worth mentioning that although the application of high-precision inertial navigation IMU modules in surveying and mapping has gradually increased, there are still some challenges and problems to be solved. For example, the cost of inertial navigation IMU modules is relatively high and may not be practical for small surveying and mapping teams. In addition, the inertial navigation IMU module requires high technical requirements and professional knowledge, and may be difficult to operate and maintain. This requires the joint efforts of relevant industries and scientific research institutions to continuously promote technological progress, reduce costs, and improve the convenience and stability of use.

The application of high-precision inertial navigation IMU modules in surveying and mapping has broad prospects and potential. Whether it is aviation, ground or ocean surveying and mapping, a more accurate and efficient surveying and mapping process can be achieved through high-precision inertial navigation IMU modules. The ER-MIMU-01 developed by Ericco can be used in the field of surveying and mapping for north-finding positioning in geodetic/land mobile surveying and mapping systems.

To learn more about IMU products, please click the link below and contact us.



Whatsapp: 13630231561

Choose a suitable IMU to make your drone flight more stable and safe

         As one of the core components of drones, IMU plays an irreplaceable role. Its high precision, fast response and freedom from extern...