Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Application of Tilt Sensor in Monitoring of Sand Dredging Ship


Tilt sensor can measure the pitch angle and roll angle of fishing vessel in real time.

Sand dredgers, fishing vessels, that is, fishing vessels, can carry out class fishing, processing, transportation vessels collectively referred to. Fishing vessels are vessels that catch and harvest aquatic plants and animals, and also include some of the auxiliary vessels of modern fishing production, such as vessels that carry out aquatic product processing and transportation, aquaculture, resource surveys, fisheries guidance and training, and fisheries administration tasks.

Most fishing vessels are small, in order to adapt to continuous navigation and operation in the wind and waves, they require better stability, seakeeping and seaworthiness, and the structure needs to be particularly strong. During the operation of the fishing vessel, the load varies greatly and is small and medium.

Type II fishing vessels are generally tens to hundreds of tons; Large fishing vessels up to 1,000 tons, even up to more than 40,000 gross tons. In addition to the general Marine equipment, the fishing boat also needs to be equipped with fishing and navigation communication instruments such as winch, tilt sensor and navigator. In particular, the tilt sensor, which plays a very important role for the driver, is an instrument for measuring the tilt angle of the object in real time. The ER-TS-3160VO tilt sensor can measure the real-time pitch angle and roll angle of the fishing vessel in real time, and can be displayed through the corresponding display instrument, so that the driver can control the current operating attitude of the ship in real time, and adjust the running direction in time. Thus, it is easier for the stable operation of the ship, and it has gradually become one of the indispensable instruments most commonly used by the driver.
If you want to learn more about tilt sensors or buy

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